eSystor will gladly accept government and school purchase orders. Since our company's inception, we have been accepting purchase orders from city, state, and federal government agencies, as well as purchase orders from academic institutions, both public and private.
We offer a wide selection of quality products for all your CD and DVD production needs, ranging from blank media, envelope and sleeve packages, to manual standalone towers and automated autoloaders. We have a thorough understanding of government and academic purchase orders and make the best effort to provide a quick and easy ordering process for your business.
Please call us at 866-444-1876 or fax your order to 909-444-3341. |
Here's just a partial list of past establishments that have placed purchase orders with eSySTOR:
Cornell University
County of Orange Public Defender
Federal Bereau of Investigation
Federal Defenders of New York
Mississippi State University
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Oregon State University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
State University of New Jersey, Rutgers
University of California, Davis Medical Center
University of Arizona
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Minnesota
University of North Carolina |